Tuesday, November 18, 2014


This is where I left it the first day

This is what my palette looked like at the end of the first
day. I scrape off all the mixed paint - cover my paint with a lid
so I'm ready for the next day.
You can see 8 X 8 reference photo in this shot. This
is my first stint the next day. I've been taking breaks every 
hour or two and walk the dogs around the block to get
the blood flowing in my legs. I always paint standing up
so I can move back and look at the painting. 
I paint without my glasses because then I don't need to 
squint. I'm lucky that way. 
Nancy commented that it looked like I finished the fender
the first day and never went back. And she's so right. My goal
for this painting was to finish in 3 days with no futzing(is that a word?)
No over thinking - no questioning - just DO IT!


  1. Wow...no futzing...I think futzing is my greatest sin when I paint. I have found that I am standing more and more when I paint; thanks to you. I am fascinated with your process as mine is so incredibly different. I always feel like I am observing a master - guess I feel that way because that is what you are. Thank you, again.
