Thursday, April 14, 2016


This restaurant - SIDES - is in Los Olivos, CA.  I am trying to paint while on the road

and it's not easy. This photo is a bit too blue but I thought I'd give you

Something to think about anyway. My first road painting was sooooo

Awful it's hidden away. Thanks for taking a look.



Tuesday, April 5, 2016



This is a demo I painted for First Friday, April 1st

I'm going to do two more so the title can be 


at least in my head it's something I want to pursue.

Thanks for following - I appreciate the comments. 



There's George behind me on the wall - he sold that night YEAH!

Sunday, April 3, 2016


This painting had so much promise and then it turned bad! 
Can't tell you what happened or show you how bad it got - I had to wipe
The entire canvas (after the cow was finished) and start over. It was soooo
Bad I'm not going to show you how bad - you'll just gave to trust me that it
Was bad. I finished the new version today and I'm not sure whether you'll
See that one either. It's been a weird trip! 
Thanks for waiting for my bad painting.