Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Waiting for totality while Sven serenades us on his guitar
Night starting to fall
Darkness falls - the temperature drops and the stars are visible
Return to light - eclipse reflecting through the tree. 
We couldn't believe how fast the 2 min 30 sec of darkness went by
Our small group cheered and howled as did the entire neighborhood 
We couldn't have asked for a more perfect experience. 
We made new friends, had the evening together and then the eclipse brought us even closer.
If you get a chance in 2024 to travel to the path of totality I highly recommend the 
experience. I can't explain the emotion and feelings but it was other worldly. 
Thanks a bunch MB

Friday, August 18, 2017


My painting time has been gobbled up by the new/old camper we bought in May.
When we purchased the used Sprinter it appeared to be in tip top shape.
WELL!!??? We got the Mighty Beast home and all the imperfections started to appear 
one then another one and on and on. I've been sewing, reupholstering , cleaning, really
all the things I didn't see myself doing. If you ever buy an older camper drop me a line
I can tell you what to look for before you take the leap. 
For our first trip we're going to drive 300 miles one-way for 2 minutes and 30 seconds of totality!!
Sounds a bit crazy when you say it. We are heading to Riverton,WY to camp
in The United Presbyterian Church parking lot with a small contingency of totality
seekers. I'll let you know how that pans out. 
If you're outside for the event it doesn't matter where you are grab a colander or straw
hat or stand under a tree and shoot the eclipse on the sidewalk through your chosen
device. No need to look upward the colander or tree will be your pinhole camera. 
You should get hundreds of eclipse images reflected on the ground. It could be fun.
Thanks a bunch if I have internet I'll let you know what full on totality feels like. 
That is if the skies are clear. Happy eclipse hunting.
Later MB

Friday, August 11, 2017


I made these Artsy-Fartsy Do-Dads for 3 artist friends.
The best part of this project is I've discovered a US charm supplier in NY.
They produced most of the charms on these Do-Dads right in downtown,NY.
I love finding US suppliers and producers of quality goods. It might cost a bit
more but it's worth it!
Later MB

Thursday, August 10, 2017


Here's a convoluted story good luck with this post!
Last May on a whim I created my first DO-DAD. I created it for my friend Nancy.
I don't have a picture of it but it was a collection of charms to hang on your purse or
backpack or just hang anywhere really where you'll see it and enjoy it on a daily basis.
My husband calls them Cracker Jack surprises.
I've been a bit obsessed to say the least with this project. Nancy loved her Do-Dad so much she
ordered  8 DO-DADS for Christmas presents. The rest is history.
Here's what a DO-DAD looks like in the construction phase
She sent me a list of recipients, their favorite things, birthday's etc. and 
I start buildinga personalized Do-Dad just for them. 
As you see above this project is finally ready for the finishing phase. 
Remember when I made these for the Tour de Steamboat fundraiser?
A friend of mine donated to the tour de steamboat and bought 5 of these keychains for her grandkids.
I thought that was so great but I also thought I could produce some special key chains for 
her grandkids instead. Again I became a bit obsessed - below you will see the results.
This one is for a college student in Veterinary School. She rides her bike everywhere is involved in her church and the Vet charm is an add-on for when she graduates.
This is for a high-school track team member and all around great kid! 
This one is for their Mom who is a professional graphic artist who is now pursuing
and taking time for herself and fine art.
This one is for the Karate Kid!
Last but not least this one is for my good friend, constant blog companion and incredible Artist.
I call this the Artsy-Fartsy Do-Dad
The soup can is an homage to my favorite artist Andy Warhol! 
That's about it for now. I am painting not sure if they're worth posting.
Edit - Edit - Edit
Thanks for looking. MB


Monday, August 7, 2017


I was so excited to see this Mom and her baby in my yard.
I couldn't locate my camera so I missed some incredible shots. Such a treat!
 It's been about a month since they've been in my yard. 
Not sure where they are hanging out but I'm glad they're back.
Later MB

Thursday, August 3, 2017


8" X 8"
 Cindy - White Hart Gallery owner gave me an assignment for fall - I asked for the suggestions.
She suggested bear, moose and fox paintings along with fall foliage paintings.
I told her that could be a stretch especially the fall foliage idea but I've decided
to give it all a go. I have 16 ideas ready to go - I'm not sure if the first fox painting
will ever see the light of day but Skinny-dippin' is the 3rd painting finished in the series.
Paint on! 
Thanks a bunch - MB

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Leap of Faith IV

I'm really not sure how to start this story. In April I saw an ad in Southwest Art advertising a special
section for their August issue titled "Women in Art". 
I didn't have any paintings that I thought were worthy but on a whim I committed 
to a half page spread for the August issue. I've never felt so WRONG in my life.
I knew I needed 2 images that worked well together - you may remember 
when I posted these paintings I said they were for something BIG! Well
here it is. I even hired the local photographer Tim Murphy so the images would be perfect
and magazine ready. If I'm going to spend I'm going all the way. You have no idea how 
hard it's been to not spill the beans and jinx myself. 
The magazine came out last week and both paintings were sold today.
Their new home - Santa Fe! 
WOW! I'm a lucky girl. 
I also had an inquiry from a gallery owner but I have nothing to report on that front. 
I bought a bottle of bubbly - I'll be celebrating tonight.
Thanks for all the support over the years. I owe it all to everyone out there pushing me along.
Thanks a bunch MB