Thursday, May 29, 2014


I've started to look through my Singapore photos. Hard to 
believe that in 2000 I was still shooting with film. 
I must've shot 20 rolls. On occasion when I'm stuck I 
might give Singapore a go. We'll see. 
Thanks for following and commenting too.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I visited Singapore a number of years ago. My husband
was working there so I thought I'd hop a plane and visit.
I brought 3 books to read - I got to Tokyo having read all
my books - didn't have enough yen to buy anymore(this was before
cell phones and heavy credit card usage - hard to believe I know)
I had to endure a delayed flight - nothing to read - and then I had to get 
on another flight just about as long as the first.
Meanwhile, we were all stuck in a huge holding tank - so when they 
announced the plane was boarding there was total chaos.
The airline attendant didn't call seat rows 
it was literally a free for all.
If these passengers could've brought their chickens 
they would've. An experience like no other. Sit where ever you like.
I got to Singapore - where it is against the law to chew gum
it's true - and it was 104 degrees(on a cool day).
What was I thinking??????!!!!!!!!!!
I lived through it but did'nt want to get on a flight home 2 weeks later.
To this day a flight to Paris is nothing in comparison. 
Got home and there were raccoons in my house due to the cat door.
The cats were gone - my house was a mess and my cat sitter
was mortified to say the least. I guess I had to pay her anyway.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Thanks a bunch

Monday, May 26, 2014


I have so many cow portraits I really didn't need another 
but I love to paint them. This one is available - let me know
if you need a cow on your wall. 
Cherries are all available too 
might make a nice present for someone.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Thanks for following I hope you enjoyed this 
weeks installment. It's nice to mix it up.
Have a great weekend and thanks for following.


OK - so one of my followers mentioned a jack rabbit
and I thought painting a jack rabbit would be fun and challenging.
Well that's putting it mildly. 
 I've only seen 3 jack rabbits in my life and they don't stick around
long for any kind of photo op. 
I've been busy painting and wiping - painting and wiping. 
It's been a no go, frustrating time for sure.
We went away for 3 weeks and when I got back all
hell broke loose. Well that's another story. 
I'm back and I'll try to get it together!
Thanks for following and waiting.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Memorial Day was first observed in 1868
when it was called Decoration Day
A day set aside to honor the
600,000 U.S. men and women who died in the Civil War.
Millions more have served since
 and many have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Gracie was the best mom - can you tell?
What a sweet dog. 
Georgi takes after her in every way - well maybe not the ears.
Gracie now lives in Alaska.