Here's a process shot - I need to finish this one today. It's #4 out of
the 5 new paintings for August. Here's a quick story of how this shot
became a painting. As most of you know I ride my bike a LOT! Riding bike is
My think tank where my ideas become a reality. I was at the end of my ride
on River Road through Brooklyn and in the distance was a shot of this buggy.
I got out my phone shot one and knew I had to get closer. I didn't have much
energy left but I knew I had to pass the buggy - get off my bike a shoot what
I could. Turns out I knew the buggy driver - what are the chances?
I couldn't wait to get into my studio and paint this scene. This is what
I love about photography as a tool for painting. These moments in time are
captured in a split second you just can't get that in plein air painting. I'm a
painter who specializes in fleeting images and experiences. This is what makes
me tick. Thanks for waiting - MB