Here is a commissioned piece I did for my neighbor. They love it and so do I. He's a busy kid and not really aware of the camera so it's always a treat to see him in action. I am working on another bigger portrait commission(I call them informal portraits) I'll let you know how that one goes. It's going to be pretty crazy visually. I just hope I can pull it off. More on that later, much later.
I'm happy to report I've just ordered my little book of paintings. They will arrive Steamboat approx. Dec. 6th. The price will be 10 bucks instead of the original 20(that's 43 cents an image). Found a different publisher, better deal, nicer style - we'll see what they look like. I ordered 20 for the holidays.
You little boy is darling. Will ask the dumb question: Why is it titled "Little Boy With Spoon" when he is holding a sprinkling can? Don't forget I put in my order for two of your books. :)