I can't believe I painted this as the first friday demo.
It was probably not the smartest choice - talk about pressure.
I thought it would be entertaining and fun but it didn't quite
work out that way. Can't explain it - maybe it was a bit too
racy! Anyway - it was a good lesson in humility.
I'm hoping I grabbed a few more followers - that would
make about ten now!!!
I would love it if you guys could pin or facebook these
paintings for me to try and get them out there.
I'm just not that good at the networking aspect of the
social media. I guess that's something I should work on???
I'd rather paint - or ski - or ride my bike.
Also, I have company coming so I should probably dust and
clean the house. Now there's something I really don't want to do!
Posts could be in short supply. We'll see.
Thanks for looking.
I still love this piece...sorry it was humbling. Welcome to my painting world - Ha! I also am tech challenged with posting stuff with whatever social media is out there. Used to depend on my kids...and then they grew up.