Saturday, March 2, 2013


"Any Way You Slice It"
120.00(includes priority shipping)
OIL ON GESSOBOARD(not a print)

I would like to send my sincerest thanks to everyone who took the time to come to my opening last night. What a show of support. I just can't tell you how much it meant to see everyone there. I painted this this morning as an inbox thank you!
I bought these blood oranges about a week ago and had no idea what to do with them. What a weird name for an orange. I was thinking about the saying - any way you slice it - late last night(because I couldn't sleep). And was thinking about no matter what - true friends are really what count the most. I may not have 400 followers or 4 million but the ones I have are the best! Thanks so much for making my evening a special one.


1 comment:

  1. MB, those of us in your fan club feel as though WE need to thank YOU. I cannot tell you how much I have learned from your paintings. In your little published book, I am struck by your brush strokes and know that I will be studying those for months and years to come. Thank you. Blood oranges. I first discovered these back in the 70's when I lived/worked in Switzerland. The kids looked forward to them every year around Easter time. I also had massive quantities of bood orange juice in Italy in 2003 in Vienna. Divine. I can taste the juiciness in your painting - also divine.
