Sunday, October 30, 2016


Commission piece - it took days to get to this point. This is how far I got today before lunch.
More process shots below.
This is not the best photo but this is where I stopped for the day.
My palette at the end of the day before cleaning up.
My palette before painting - sans white
My tube wringer - if you're a painter it's a great tool. My paints never dry out in the tube
because the wringer keeps the paint compressed in the top of the tube. 
My reference photos for this unusual project. Thanks I'll keep you posted.

Friday, October 28, 2016


OK - so I'm living vicariously through my friends wonderful trip to Iceland. 
I forgot to mention that this painting and the buffalo painting were done with the odd colors 
left on my palette. I'm starting a commission piece tomorrow and I didn't want to throw any
paint out. I finished Uncle Google with the last of my paint so I can clean my palette and
add my new colors for my commission piece tomorrow. You can see my palette below before I started today and
after I was finished. I was happy to use all my paint and challenge myself with limited yellow, indanthrone blue
and the odd assortment you see below. Thanks for taking a look I'll try to take process shots of my next project.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Not much left to work with - I'm redoing my glass palette. It should be a lot better.
If it turns out I'll let you know.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


I've come full circle. Turns out I've been a cow instead of a buffalo!
Cows run or saunter the direction of the storm and get really, really wet.
On the other hand bison head into the storm. ABANDONING THE HERD by JOHN WEISS 
is an article from the FASO website newsletter. I've been thinking about this article since it came out
and wanted to paint a buffalo heading into a storm. It's been a weird trip for sure. 
Thanks for taking a look.

Friday, October 21, 2016


Here's a quick update - a little bit of progress
 Vote early - vote often - that's my motto. 
That Hillary Clinton doesn't have a 'presidential look.'
On several occasions, Trump has suggested that Clinton doesn't look like most presidents, an objective truth given that she is the first woman ever nominated by a major political party to run for the office. "I just don’t think she has a presidential look," Trump told ABC News. "And you need a presidential look."

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Here's the start of my new roof. It will be done in sections - that's my hubby Jimi 
he's an engineer, can you tell? he made the machines to make and bend the shingles - he made the shingles
in his shop last winter and it's finally time to get them up before this winter. 
he's kind of a nut! Anyway the roof is looking really really good so I thought I'd share this
incredible art project. Jimi's an artist as well he's a woodworker by trade. You should see my new kitchen table!
I hope you enjoyed this unusual blog post. Thanks a bunch - MB 

Monday, October 17, 2016


Sunday progress - I really dislike painting on canvas these days and I could blame
my slow progress on the canvas or it could be that it's just a hard subject to paint
Monday - not sure if it's worth it! I could end up canning this one.
How to make mule tassels 
For Mule mugs!

Sunday, October 16, 2016


I started my second mule today but couldn't get a decent photo this will have to do for now. 
See below how to make a mule! Thanks - MB

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Today I was thinking about Michelle Obama's speech in Manchester, New Hampshire.
I thought this old painting of Flannel and Lace was appropriate to the occasion. 
If you missed the speech here it is MICHELLE OBAMA IN NEW HAMPSHIRE!
Thanks a bunch - MB

Friday, October 14, 2016


The last couple of days have been a bust! Paintings started and wiped it's been looking pretty bleak in the studio. 
Failure after failure can really mess with my head. I've had this canvas drawn out and hanging around for over a year and since I couldn't get anything going I dragged it out of my storage area and thought I'd give it a go. 
Not sure where I'm going with it or if it will work but I had to get busy. 
Thanks - MB

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


This paper mosaic experiment is taking longer than anticipated - it's been interesting and
there have been a lot of aha! moments. I'm learning a lot about value and that's a good thing.
Thanks for hanging in there - I'll get back to painting soon. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Procrastination - I'm avoiding painting for some unknown reason. Paper mosaic has been on my mind
for quite some time - I've decided to give it go.  Instead of recycling these boxes I decided to give paper mosaic a go. 
You'll see the results below in the progression of images. It was liberating to do something different today.
I can't explain it - it's a fun experiment to get out of my head think in a new way.
I'm not sure how long this piece is going to take or whether it will be a success - I'll keep
you posted. Thanks for taking a look!

Saturday, October 8, 2016


This is my demo painting from First Friday. I didn't finish it on Friday night
because it was super crowded and there were lots of questions and discussions
about painting and photography. It was a fun night but I must admit I really 
wasn't prepared to paint hence the 4th cow painting in the last couple of weeks. 
Now I know why artists paint the same thing over and over again it gets a lot easier
each time you give it a go. Anyway, I have quite a few cow paintings if anyone needs one drop me a line.
Thanks to all for dropping by Friday night - it makes my evening so much better.
Later MB 

Thursday, October 6, 2016


"It's Hip To Be Square"
12" X 12"
Here's my finished painting for the "Twelve by Twelve 2016" show at the
gallery. I'm hoping I can get started on some water ideas now but it's still a daunting 
task. I have one idea drawn out maybe I can get over my phobias and give it a go.
Thanks for taking a look - you guys make my day!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


This is my entry for the "Twelve by Twelve 2016" show.
I hadn't done any Pez characters for a year and it was hard to get this far.
I decided to take the dogs for a hike to clear my head because Mini was soooo
hard and such a mind trip. We had a successful hike before any rain or snow 
I got back to the studio - forced myself to get back at it and the results are below.
I was going to quit here and I got a second wind so I thought I'd give 
Sponge Bob a go! I'm glad I did. Tomorrow all I have left are Randy Boggs
and Hello Kitty. The groove is coming back. Thanks a bunch - MB
12" X 12" 

Monday, October 3, 2016


Here's my last cow painting. 
I've been busy getting my ducks in a row for the "IT'S HIP TO BE SQUARE" show
The show SOLD OUT today - yeah! 
It's going to be good and I'm super excited.
Thanks a bunch - MB

Saturday, October 1, 2016


I've painted this particular cow a number of times - the 3 paintings I just completed 
were the 3 panels I attached to my painting wall before I left for Minnesota.
Below you can see how I set it up. You can also see some new ideas in photos 
above the 30" X 30" panel. I'm at a crossroad and want to paint water - which is about
the scariest subject I could choose. Not sure whether I have the talent or the tenacity to give
it a go - we'll see how it all develops. I have to get my painting "It's Hip To Be Square"
finished for my 12" X 12" show. I'm pining to paint large but you know my philosophy paint it small first
work out the issues and problems then go big or go home.
Thanks a bunch, MB