Monday, December 2, 2019


8 X 6
Here’s Winston’s story
Winston loves life and his people (and really all people)
He loves cuddles on the couch, giving kisses, running
around crazy and playing at the dog park. 
Photo of Winston on the left 
I changed the scene a bit - what a happy, lucky dog!
Thanks MB

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


24 X 24

Here’s the photo I bought on Alamy for the painting. 
Some day I’ll paint the entire scene but for now I just wanted
to paint the bug with the ski rack.

This isn’t a great photo - I’ll get a better photo when
the sun decides to return. 

I wanted to add the space station sign to the empty
space on the left. You can see the miniature space station 
photo I cut out and taped to the painting for a couple
of days before deciding to paint it on the canvas. 
Turned out it was the perfect size. 
Thanks a bunch!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


5 X 8
I’ve been painting like crazy. Getting ready for the new gallery season
in Steamboat Springs. I’ve had a number of failures - which is the hardest thing
to overcome and keep working. 
Sorry for minimal posts 
I’m hoping for numerous successful paintings and posts going forward.
Thanks for hanging in! Hope all is well.

Friday, October 4, 2019


5 X 5

5 X 5

12 X 12

5 X 5

5 X 11
These are the 5 paintings I brought into the Jace Romick Gallery 
last Wednesday - they are all sold! 
To celebrate I bought champagne 🍾 and cheesecake 

Friday, September 27, 2019


First off I want to let you know the $120.00 painting panel experiment was a total bust.
The 2 panels arrived in a box full of packing peanuts and styrofoam(I detest those packing materials) I was depressed just opening the box. On top of that one panel was warped.
The panels were not stamped or identified as archival either, they looked like foam core covered
in craft paper. When I put my level on the warped panel I punched a hole in the panel.
Not very durable! Can’t have that in a gallery setting with art being moved from one wall to another.

I got on the phone immediately after accessing my options and called Elizabeth at Raymar panels and ordered 30 X 30’s. I’ve worked with these panels before they are a bit heavier but I know
the quality is there and the panels are stamped. 
Galleries need to know there’s a quality product underneath all that paint. 

On another note here’s what I’ve learned so far with my linen panel tests.
In order to get the look I want - paint sitting in the fabric impressions 
I cannot thin the oil. I have to apply the asphaltum or burnt sienna with a rag straight 
out of the tube. Slather it on and then wipe off the top of the fabric without removing 
the color from the crevasses. The panels are drying then I’ll do some more tests.
The idea is to use a palette knife technique leaving some of the linen to show through.
I saw an artist on line who paints palette knife style with old credit cards.
I’ll see if I can find that video to post later.
That’s it for now MB

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Linen panels test
I’m interested in trying some new techniques for more of an abstract approach 
to painting. The bottom left and middle are the linen panels I ordered.
The left one is white gesso the middle panel is clear gesso.
I’ve tinted the panels with acrylic paint and then they will get a light coat
of oil paint which will be rubbed off. The bottom right panel has
jaune brilliant acrylic underneath Gamblin asphaltum. 
I’ve already decided that I dislike prefabricated linen panels.
I will use these boards to get started but I just ordered 3 yards of linen to make
my own panels hoping for a richer surface. The prefabricated panels are too
slick a surface for my taste. 
I’m finally getting busy and ideas are starting to take shape. 
On another note I’ve also ordered new lightweight panels for my larger works.
The panels should arrive Wednesday and I’ll either love them or hate them. 
It’s another $100.00 experiment.
JoAnne at SourceTek is pretty sure I’m going to love the new panels.
I bet she’s right - they’re a bit pricey. 
All is well - thanks for all the notes and congrats on the new gallery.
All the best MB

Thursday, September 19, 2019

GOOD NEWS! Finally

8” X 8”
Yesterday was a great day! 
This 4th of July painting from 2 years ago found the perfect home. 
The model in the painting saw it at White Hart Gallery and purchased it on the spot.
Yeah! I love it when that happens.

Also, some other great news 
 I think 
still processing 
I’m elated and a bit nervous.
It took a lot of courage on my part 
My confidence level has been on the low end for quite some time.

I brought in 5 brand new, small format, Steamboat Springs Icon paintings of 
Rabbit Ears Motel, Space Station and FM Light
to show the Jace Romick Gallery director Ashlyn.
She was excited to see some bright colors, she was genuinely excited about the work. 
We talked a bunch, I felt really good about our art conversation.
It’s going to be a great working relationship - which is what I need. 
Cindy was the greatest person to work with at White Hart. 
I didn’t think it was possible to find a new venue with the same attitude but I believe 
The Jace Romick Gallery is going to work out great.
I signed a contract on the spot to show in the gallery.
Looks like I have a new home.
It doesn’t feel real yet but I’ll get there eventually.
Thanks for waiting again and again MB

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I’m alive and well. Painting as usual but haven’t posted because
I’m working through some stuff in my head, the paintings are not ready
to post at this time. Lots of ideas bouncing around in my head 
I guess that’s better than no ideas!
I’ll get back to it thanks for understanding MB

If you’re wondering how to help those less fortunate in the Bahamas
I’ve included a link to NYT article on how to donate.

Sunday, August 11, 2019


8 X 8
I’ve been having an incredible month with numerous sales.
It’s been hard to keep up which is a good thing.
No complaints 
On another note the
White Hart Gallery building has been sold and the last day for the gallery is September 27th.
Cindy the owner is closing the business due to numerous personal issues.
I’ve known for some time this was coming it’s not a surprise.
Cindy has been more than accommodating by keeping me in the loop.
She was surprised at how fast the building sold figuring it would take a year or more. 
Best laid plans!
Anyway - I’m freaking out a bit
 Lots of hyperventilating going on along with unusual heart palpitations. 
Sorry for not communicating but it all happened a lot faster than anticipated.
More later
Thanks for hanging in and hanging on MB

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


4 X 4
I’m on a roll for sure, sold some cows as well. 
I’m painting like crazy for the rest of the summer art season.
It’s a short, intense window to sell paintings in Steamboat Springs.
Thanks to White Hart Gallery and Cindy Arnis 
Cindy is a kind, thoughtful, honest and caring gallery owner.
These are rare qualities in the art world, I’m so lucky to have this opportunity.
Also, a shout out to all my followers 
Thanks for all the comments and emails. 
You guys are the best!
Later MB

Sunday, June 30, 2019


Can’t believe it’s almost the 4th of July 
Yikes, I better get busy.
Summer arrived - it’s been nice to be outside.
Saw a doe and her fawn today in the yard. Should’ve had my camera.
They were soooo cute together that the traffic on my road stopped 
 for a minute or two. It’s hard for those city folks to slow down, pause and 
look. If they’d roll down their windows they would be serenaded by a forest
full of bird songs. I live in a beautiful place.
All the best MB

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Looking West: An Exhibition highlighting works by
American Women Artists 

Pony Express
30 X 30

Opening Reception with the Artists 
Friday, June 28 6:00 - 8:00pm

The juried show features 150 paintings and sculptures by
members of American Women Artists and is the 
fourth show in AWA’s 25 campaign to visit 25 museums
across the country and showcase women artist members
over the next 25 years. The Steamboat Art Museum is
honored to be among the first Museums to present this 
exhibit in 2019. Works in this show will be for sale. 
Exhibit will continue until Monday, September 2.

Be there or be square!!! 

Saturday, June 22, 2019


This painting was in the gallery window for 2 days!
Way to go Cindy, owner of White Hart Gallery
Made my day, I better start cranking out some work
A little incentive is my motivator 
I love it when my paintings find a home.
Later MB

Friday, June 21, 2019


 MB’S Summer Solstice 2019
Needless to say my motivation level is low
we had to turn our heat back on
I’m cooking a comfort food dinner with loads of carbs
I’m not complaining I just wanted to share!
Later MB

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


24 X 12
Dry and ready to hang. 
I think this is by far my favorite Space Station painting to date.

Studio shot with new 
Thanks for looking. 
All the best MB

Saturday, June 1, 2019


We are happy to announce the birth of the twins. They are about a week old
and this appears to be their first big outing with Mom. 
My neighbor Fritz painted the moose crossing sign and we’re so happy
they chose to cross at the sign. We really wish they’d stay away from the road but my other neighbor
has a couple of ponds the past babies like to play in. I’ll try to get some photos when they’re 
down there splashing in the ponds. Might be too cold today.
We had a mountain lion in the yard on Friday so we’re all a bit concerned
for the Mom and her babies. We’re stressed out - I can’t imagine how she feels!
This will be a painting eventually - later MB

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Hula Kitty 🐱 invitation
Ukulele Sing along everyone invited
Friday May 24, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
The Press 
1009 Lincoln Ave. 
Steamboat Springs, CO
Be there or be square - Thanks a bunch MB

Sunday, May 19, 2019


7” X 4”
This is my second attempt at Glo Bunny and I couldn’t be happier.
My daffodils started to bloom - then it snowed and they stopped.
I’m hoping for a bouquet 💐 soon. 
All the best MB

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


12” X 12”
Silly Rabbit - again
Today I started working on Rabbit Ears Motel
Thanks a bunch MB

Sunday, May 12, 2019


12” X 12”
Here’s my story 
I have painted the Space Station, Rabbit Ears Motel, Lyon Drug, Lightning and
numerous historic scenes around Steamboat Springs, CO
I have never taken the time to photograph any of those paintings in a professional 
manner. My iPhone is great for my blog but not for any kind of reproduction.
I’m going to repaint all those previous scenes that I like and get them photographed by a professional
and start a professional collection of images. You’re going to see a bunch of paintings repeated
by the by this could take me awhile. I have 2 down and 4 more to go right now.
I may partner with a local art printer in the future to see if there’s any market for prints.
I dislike the idea but it may come in handy.

After all these years I figured out a streamlined paint tube selection.
I’ve set aside an individual box, put all the colors from the painting I’m working on in
the box. That way when I need a color I don’t have to hunt through all my paints and if
I forget how many reds I’ve selected they’re all in the box.
My color palette for Space Station. Lots of reds!

I love cheap brushes. I forget to clean them, I abuse them.
I’d rather buy more new ones than try to fix the dried paint.
I still love savvy soap to clean my brushes - when I remember.
I also use it on my hands - works great as an all around cleaner too.
I buy a gallon it lasts for years.
That’s it for now. Hope all is well MB

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


4” X 4”
His original name was patches but somewhere along the way he lost his patches 
of color. I can’t explain how he lost his patches, so he became Bunny Rabbit instead.
Sometimes I try to paint harder edges, defining the idea but then I look at it and it
feels wrong. So I end up with a patchless(I doubt that’s even close to a word)
bunny. Then I wonder if I should frame it?! I usually end up bringing it to the gallery
anyway because I thought he was kinda cute and voila somebody takes him home. 
Thanks a bunch of 🥕🥕🥕🥕 MB

Monday, May 6, 2019


Space Station Too!
18 X 12
The Space Station downtown has been a fan favorite. 
It’s my bread and butter scene of downtown Steamboat Springs, CO.
I can’t tell you how many I’ve painted - I should keep better notes.
I never get tired of this scene. It keeps me in paint and new brushes.
I’m thankful for the enthusiasm for this image.
I have another one on my wall ready to go.
Thanks MB

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


4” X 4”
Remember those 3” X 3” paintings - well they’ve turned into 4” X 4” paintings.
You’d think that wouldn’t be such a big deal but it’s been a challenge.
I’m still working out some landscape ideas - it still feels foreign and uncomfortable.
I figure I should keep at it anyway. It’s good for me to think about something other
than the usual foxes, cars, local scenes and bears. 
It’s starting to snow, a big storm may be headed your way if you live in the east or 
Midwest. Hoping everyone makes it through unscathed.
Later MB

Thursday, April 4, 2019


4” X 4”
My two new favorite colors - Indian Red & Cyan blue.
I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying Indian Red. A little
goes a long way and can alter just about any color in ways that are
difficult to explain. More vibrant than burnt sienna and seems to have more
saturation, and brightness when mixing with blues and greens.
Cyan blue is harder to work with and I’m still trying to figure out if I’m 
getting anywhere or just struggling with the intensity of the blue.
Time will tell. Indian Red is definitely a keeper, Cyan blue, I’m on the fence.
All the best MB!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


8” X 8”
These Scotty twins escaped their original pasture and ended up walking for miles
before settling in my neighbors pasture. The grass must’ve been greener because
they loved their new digs and my neighbor let them finish the season in his pasture.
It was such a treat to see them everyday I ventured into town.
This was a late sunset view,
Later MB

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Uke Jammers Gig 
Singalong with the Steamboat Springs Uke Jammers
The Press - 1009 Lincoln Ave.
Steamboat Springs,CO
Friday, March 22, 5:30 - 6:30

Be there or be square!
See ya MB

Thursday, March 14, 2019


12” X 12”
I didn’t get a good photo of this painting but you get the idea. 
I’m in a painting mode and hope to post more new work soon.
Giving some more landscapes a try.
We’re hoping spring has sprung here in Steamboat Springs. The snow
has been an intense shoveling gig. Need a bit of a break.
Hope all is well MB

Saturday, March 9, 2019


12” X 24”
I brought this Rabbit ears motel painting in on Monday it sold today - Saturday. 
I’m a lucky gal and Cindy is rockin’ out at White Hart Gallery selling my work.
White Hart Gallery has been the best art show venue I could ever imagine.
I better get out to the studio and slap some paint on a panel!
Thanks for stopping by. MB